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From the website: “The classification of cancer by anatomic disease extent, i.e. stage, is the major determinant of appropriate treatment and prognosis. Stage is an increasingly important component of cancer surveillance and cancer control and an endpoint for the evaluation of the population-based screening and early detection efforts. The UICC TNM classification is the internationally accepted standard for cancer staging.”

ICCR is an alliance of major pathology and cancer organizations responsible for the commission, publication, and maintenance of internationally standardized cancer reporting datasets. ICCR collaborates with volume editors and authors of the WHO classification of tumours to ensure that all ICCR datasets integrate the latest WHO classifications.

The Cancer Genomics Consortium (CGC) was developed by and for clinical cytogeneticists, molecular geneticists, and molecular pathologists. The CGC is committed to providing high quality education and promoting best laboratory practices in clinical cancer genomics.


The Compendium of Cancer Genome Aberrations (CCGA) is a collaborative effort to document and describe chromosome and other genomic abnormalities in cancer structured based on current WHO classification.